For my beloved planet—Linda DeMill, age 70

When I was born, there were about 2.5 billion people on this planet.  In the span of my lifetime (I am  now 70), that number has tripled. That is astounding.  When I entered reproductive age, I made the decision that if I could do nothing else, I could at least not contribute to that astronomical growth.

 In this I succeeded and I have not regretted that decision.  I have found along my way many others who have chosen this path.  We have lived full and productive (if not reproductive) lives.  I feel so fortunate to have been born in a time where I could make this choice, that I could enjoy sex and take precautions to prevent pregnancy.  Rather than feeling selfish, I feel I have contributed to the well being of the world.


Perspective of a Chinese adoptee—Megan Warner, Age 25


I want to have hope but I am afraid—Anonymous